Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pregnant Lady Tippin'

I found this really interesting article in "Live Science" today.

Like cushy baby strollers, women's bodies have evolved spines that are more flexible and supportive than men's to keep from tipping over while walking during pregnancy.

Pregnancy brings loads of hormonal changes as seeming biological wizardry transforms a woman's body into a baby incubator. As the fetus grows, so does a woman's belly. No surprise, the front cargo pulls her center of gravity off kilter.

If the body architecture failed to take counter measures, pregnant women would be tipping over left and right or walking around with even worse pain than they do. New research detailed in the Dec. 13 issue of the journal Nature shows lower-back vertebrae and joints in women have special features that accommodate the extra weight.

Read The Article

Isn't the human body amazing. For a brief moment, I had this funny image in my mind of pregnant women periodically tipping over. It made me smile - sorry Sara.

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