Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Miracle: 23 Weeks

We're getting closer and closer to the big day! I suppose that is how it always works...I don't guess we could ever get further away. We are getting ready to sign up for our birthing class, which further impresses the reality of everything. There is so much left to do, but I take comfort in the fact that the baby won't notice or remember if we have his room ready as soon as he comes home. I'm sure we'll probably get it all together - it just feels like the speed of everything is increasing.

Thanks for assisting us with our name choices. However, this isn't American Idol so the most votes don't necessarily win out. We still haven't made a final decision, but you have certainly given me something to think about.

Here is a little more info about how "E" is developing in these days:

Your baby is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango). He may be able to feel your movements now, so put on some tunes and dance around the house. No matter what race your baby is, he looks red now due to blood vessels showing through his transparent skin. His true skin tone will develop over the course of his first year. Blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing to prepare him for breathing, but complete lung development will take many more months. The lungs are the last organ to fully develop.

I still don't get why they constantly compare the baby's size to some fruit or vegetable.

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