Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Miracle: 25 Weeks

Ok, so again I am slow with the posting of where we are at for the week (though I'm not sure who made that my job anyway...), since technically I hit 25 weeks LAST Thursday! But at least Richard has funny stuff to post in the meantime to keep people happy (whoever is actually reading this!). :o) This is probably how it will be once the baby comes...Daddy gets to do the fun/goofy stuff with Baby "E" and Mommy takes the serious side and manages the day-to-day. So typical! ;o) Well we'll have to see about that.

So yeah, "E" is definitely a squirmy little worm! He has moved from kicking/punching/tapping to more of a rolling's hard to describe! I figure it is probably because he is growing to the point that there is less room for him to make such strong/swift movements as before, but he can still turn somersaults to some degree. And it's so weird times he must be pushing up against the front of my abdomen, because I can feel this hard knot from the outside! He doesn't stay there for long, but it's kind of a neat feeling. Sometimes I'll just poke around my tummy a little bit to see where he is at the moment...I try not to push too hard, because I don't want to leave any dents in his soft little head if that happens to be what is facing outward at the time! He seems to like to lay horizontally right around my belly's probably usually his back or butt that are pressed up against my tummy, but I can't be sure. I just take it as a good sign that he's moving around. it's nice to have that reassurance, even if it is kinda weird!

Here's a little bit more about "E's" development for this past week:

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga (???again with food comparisons???), but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. His hair is probably recognizable now (in color and texture), although both may change after he's born (personally, I picture him as having blond to light brown hair - hopefully curly! - and green/hazel eyes. I'm not making any bets, but it will be interesting to see once he finally arrives!).

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